Friday, September 6, 2013


The pallid figure lies in a white room devoid of any color, except for his back,
lesioned with purple kisses from a dark-winged angel.
The virus circulates in a sporadic pattern.
Every cell desperately trying to reclaim a vein, a pore- something.
Like singed roots in ashen soil, a body deprived
starts to fail.
The figure gasping for air, chokes on pure breath
and the room turns black.

Monday, July 29, 2013


On the tail end of an earthy summer wind,
the faintest susurrus of a dawning autumn and the hint
of a changing breeze.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Un Soir

Dogs played in the dark
Flickered in the dark

And so the demons dance in the daylight.
The narrator tells another story.
Begins another story.
Leaves, rustling even beneath the scented candles hanging in trees.
Pluck the feathers from the raven
or fallen angel, lying limp on the splintered porch
out back.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Regard Vide

In that single, sharp look,
discerning with certainty, eyes large glossy pools,
staring straight through,
no audible sound can penetrate the sudden stoic nature of a fleeting moment
and the asphyxiation of uncertainty.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The pragmatist lives on the dotted line,
forever staring into the parenthetical eclipse
of whimsy, that world of fluid color and constant
motion; so foreign to his dotted i's
and measured rules.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


An audible elegy rises from the sea.
Tumultuous waves, foaming stark white.
Scaly sirens and ocean gulls cry out in unison.
Thunderous clouds add to the harmonious knell.

The night turns, staring deep into
it's mournful reflection below.

Monday, June 3, 2013


If there was a word
that could resonate in those
innermost moments
sincerely shaking you to the core
each vessel trembling between
anticipation, nerves
excitement, borderline (in)sanity

If there was a phrase
attached to passionate infatuation
tenderly longing, twisting
visceral emotions
most affectionate ardor
at your sheer presence.

The seduction of enchantment
harmonizing amity/amour.
In a word. Moonlight.
In a phrase.

In Love.